Jere's Techblog

Create Discord Bot

I way toying arround with Discord and Python because I wanted to record the messages and reactions of users.
Therefore I wrote a bot with the library My first attempts with Python…or let’s say a try and error session….

But in the end I was able toget the reactions and log messages.

below some good references and instructions and an example of my discord bot


Installation of Python 3.5<

Python Discord API –

py -3 -m pip install -U

Python await –

pip install await

Python async –

pip install async




My own Bot

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.')

async def on_ready():
   #a = discord.utils.get(client.get_all_members(),name="Test-User", discriminator="9635").id  #GetUserID
    print('Bot is ready.')

"""  crawl message
async def on_message(message):
    if str( == 'Test-user#111':
         print(f'{message.content} RECEIVED!.')
        print(f'{message.content} wrong User!.')

#get reaction an log it on another channel crawl message with some condition as an example
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
    channel = client.get_channel(6637461198)
    if str( == '579155970803':
        if str( != '57915597803':
            await channel.send('[{0.display_name}] -  {0} has reacted with {1.emoji}!; ID = {} '.format(user, reaction))' some API-DiscordServer String here ')
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Get size of Citrix UPM Profile

With these few lines you get an evaluation of your profile sizes and the AppData, if you have redirectet this to a share.
The script is designed to check multiple shares. You only have to adjust the array “$ProfileFolders” and if necessary the variable “$folder1, $folder2”

#by J.Kühnis 18.12.2019
$ProfileFolders = @(

$infos = @()

Foreach ($folder in $ProfileFolders){
Write-Host $folder

Get-ChildItem $folder | ? { $_.Name -notmatch ".V2" } | % {
    Write-Host ($folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\AppData")
    $folder1 = $folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\AppData"
    $folder2 = $folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\upm\UPM_Profile"
    IF (Test-Path $folder2) {
        $a = ((gci -Recurse $folder1 -Force | measure Length -s).sum / 1Gb)
        $b = ((gci -Recurse $folder2 -Force | measure Length -s).sum / 1Gb)
        $c = "{0:N3} GB" -f ($a + $b)
        $output = $_.Name + "," +  $c + "," + $folder
        Write-Host $output
        $infos += $output
        Clear-Variable a,b,c,output
    Clear-Variable folder1, folder2

$infos | ogv
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Compare ActiveDirectory ACL

Here are some examples and a good description of the ActiveDirectory ACL:

Script example to compare ActiveDirectory OU ACL ( Security Groups )

by J.Kühnis 25.11.2019

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$OU1 = Get-ACl -Path 'AD:\OU=Sales,OU=UserAccounts,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM' |  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | select IdentityReference

$OU2 = Get-ACl -Path 'AD:\OU=Marketing,OU=UserAccounts,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM' |  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | select IdentityReference

Compare-Object $OU1 $OU2 -IncludeEqual
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Get reserved Memory of ESXi Host

With the command Get-VMHost you can read values ​​such as the current memory consumption or the total number memory of a host. But I didn’t find a way to read out the value of the allocated memory of the subobjects (the VMs).

Here is an example of how this can be done. The script outputs a list of all hosts. In the attribute “AllocatedVMMemoryGB” you can see how much memory has been over-provisioned or it shows how much memory you could still use.

#by J.Kühnis 20.08.2019

Class VMHost{

$VmHostArray =@()

Foreach($server in Get-VMHost){
    $a = (($server | get-vm).MemoryGB | Measure-Object -sum).sum
    $server = Get-vmHost -name $
    $a = ("{0:N0}" -f $server.MemoryTotalGB) - ("{0:N0}" -f $a);

    $vmhost = New-Object VMHost -Property @{Name=$;ConnectionState=$server.ConnectionState;Powerstate=$server.ConnectionState;NumCpu=$server.NumCpu;MemoryUsageGB=$server.MemoryUsageGB;AllocatedVMMemoryGB=$a;MemoryTotalGB=$server.MemoryTotalGB;ParentCluster=$server.parent;ID=$server.Id;ProcessorType=$server.ProcessorType}
    $VmHostArray += $vmhost

    Clear-Variable -Name a,vmhost

$VmHostArray | Format-Table

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Hyper-V Create Machine

I’d like to share a mini Script to create VirtualMachines with Hyper-V and Powershell. It is certainly not enterprise diveable. But it’s enough to create a VM for testing.

#by JKU 02.08.2019

#VM Base Information
$VMName = "TestVM2"
$DataPath = "C:\temp"
$DataVMPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName
$DiskDataPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName + "\" + $VMName + ".vhdx"
$Memory = 2GB
$Disk = 12GB
$CPUCores = 4
$VMGeneration = 2   #Options are "1","2"   -> If you don't have any idea, please let this at Value 2

$MountIso = "true"
$StartVMaftreCreation = "true"
$IsoPath = "C:\Cloud_JK\NextCloud\\OS\win10\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_64BIT_German_MLF_X20-25597.ISO"

IF(Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
    Write-Warning "$VMName : Machine already exists! Please verify your Values."
IF(Test-Path $DataVMPath){
    Write-Warning "$DataVMPath : Folder already exists! Please verify your Values."

Write-Host "Start to create VM $VMName" -foregroudcolor yellow
New-VM -Name $VMName -path $DataPath -MemoryStartupBytes $Memory -NewVHDSizeBytes $Disk -NewVHDPath $DiskDataPath -Generation $VMGeneration

$Vm = (Get-VM -Name $VMName)
Set-VM -VM $Vm -ProcessorCount $CPUCores

IF($MountIso -eq "true"){
    $DVD = Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName ($Vm).Name -Path $ISOPath -Passthru
    Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -FirstBootDevice $DVD
IF($StartVMaftreCreation -eq "true"){
    Start-VM -Name $VMName

Write-Host "Script End"

Below are two links to similar topics.

To create a virtual machine from a specific template (Hyper V)

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Add License to all O365 Users trough Powershell

First of all you need to install the Powershell Module and Connect to the MSOnline Serivce

Install-Module MSOnline
Import-Module *
Connect-MsolService -Credential (get-credential)

You can get an overview of all Users trough this Command:


This script block can be used to assign a license to any user who is not a licensed user.

This example assumes that the command “(Get-MsolAccountSku).accountskuid” retrive only one value/license. If you have several licenses you have to specify this for the variable “$SKUID“.

#byJKU 29.04.2019 
#Activate each user with MSolAccountSKU License
$SKUID= (Get-MsolAccountSku).accountskuid

IF ((Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly).UserPrincipalName){
    (Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly).UserPrincipalName | % {
    Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $_ -AddLicenses $SKUID
    Write-host "There is no User without License" -ForegroundColor Yellow

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Copy-Items with folder Structure and Filter in a Foreach-Parallel Workflow

#J.Kühnis 08.03.2019
$Sourcefolder= "\\localhost\C$\Temp\1"
$Targetfolder= "C:\Temp2\1"

$query = Get-ChildItem $Sourcefolder -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-1)}

workflow CopyJob {
    param (
Foreach($item in $query){
    $dest = $Targetfolder + $item.FullName.SubString($Sourcefolder.Length)
    #Write-Host $dest -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Copy-Item $item.FullName -Destination $dest -Force

CopyJob -query $query -Sourcefolder $Sourcefolder -Targetfolder $Targetfolder
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