Jere's Techblog

Verify Citrx HostedMachineID with VmWare Hypervisor

Sometimes the HostedMachineID of Citrix does not match that of VmWare. This is often the case when cloning or moving machines. In Citrix Studio you will see the Powerstate of this machines as unknow and you can’t do any VM actions like reboot in the console.

With this script snippet it can be checked. To do this the variable “Broker” must be adjusted in the Script and the PowerCli and CitrixModule (BrokerSnapIn) must be loaded. Furthermore, the connection to the vCenter must be initiated via “Connect-VIServer vCName“.

#25.09.2019by J.Kühnis - Verfiy HostedMachineID with VmWare ESXi Hypervisoer

$Broker = "Enter your BrokerName"
$Brokermachines = Get-BrokerMachine -AdminAddress $Broker | Select MachineName,DNSName,HostedMachineID

Foreach ($Machine in $Brokermachines){
    IF(get-vm $Machine.DnsName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
        IF($Machine.HostedMachineID -eq (Get-View -id (get-vm $machine.DNSName).id).config.uuid){
            Write-Host $Machine.DnsName "HostedMachineID is matching" $Machine.HostedMachineId -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-host $Machine.DnsName "Mismatch ID: VmWare UUID =" (Get-View -id (get-vm $machine.DNSName).id).config.uuid "; Citrix HostedMachineID =" $Machine.HostedMachineID -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-host $Machine.DnsName "MachineName not Found on ESXi" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Now that the machines have been read out, the connections can be fixed.

vCenter Cert thumbprint update:

# Open an admin POSH console, load the Citrix Modules (asnp citrix*) and cd to XDHyp:/Connections and run ls. Check the SSLThumbprints entry.
asnp citrix*
cd XDHyp:/Connections
Set-Item -LiteralPath "XDHyp:\Connections\vCenters Name" -sslthumbprint "123456789ABCD123456789ABCDE123456789ABCD" -hypervisorAddress https://vcenter-name/sdk

The letters in SSL-Thumbprint must be uppercase.

In this blog the problem is also discussed in detail:

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Hyper-V Create Machine

I’d like to share a mini Script to create VirtualMachines with Hyper-V and Powershell. It is certainly not enterprise diveable. But it’s enough to create a VM for testing.

#by JKU 02.08.2019

#VM Base Information
$VMName = "TestVM2"
$DataPath = "C:\temp"
$DataVMPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName
$DiskDataPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName + "\" + $VMName + ".vhdx"
$Memory = 2GB
$Disk = 12GB
$CPUCores = 4
$VMGeneration = 2   #Options are "1","2"   -> If you don't have any idea, please let this at Value 2

$MountIso = "true"
$StartVMaftreCreation = "true"
$IsoPath = "C:\Cloud_JK\NextCloud\\OS\win10\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_64BIT_German_MLF_X20-25597.ISO"

IF(Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
    Write-Warning "$VMName : Machine already exists! Please verify your Values."
IF(Test-Path $DataVMPath){
    Write-Warning "$DataVMPath : Folder already exists! Please verify your Values."

Write-Host "Start to create VM $VMName" -foregroudcolor yellow
New-VM -Name $VMName -path $DataPath -MemoryStartupBytes $Memory -NewVHDSizeBytes $Disk -NewVHDPath $DiskDataPath -Generation $VMGeneration

$Vm = (Get-VM -Name $VMName)
Set-VM -VM $Vm -ProcessorCount $CPUCores

IF($MountIso -eq "true"){
    $DVD = Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName ($Vm).Name -Path $ISOPath -Passthru
    Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -FirstBootDevice $DVD
IF($StartVMaftreCreation -eq "true"){
    Start-VM -Name $VMName

Write-Host "Script End"

Below are two links to similar topics.

To create a virtual machine from a specific template (Hyper V)

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