With these few lines you get an evaluation of your profile sizes and the AppData, if you have redirectet this to a share.
The script is designed to check multiple shares. You only have to adjust the array “$ProfileFolders” and if necessary the variable “$folder1, $folder2”
#by J.Kühnis 18.12.2019
$ProfileFolders = @(
$infos = @()
Foreach ($folder in $ProfileFolders){
Write-Host $folder
Get-ChildItem $folder | ? { $_.Name -notmatch ".V2" } | % {
Write-Host ($folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\AppData")
$folder1 = $folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\AppData"
$folder2 = $folder + "\" + $_.Name + "\ts\v3\prd\upm\UPM_Profile"
IF (Test-Path $folder2) {
$a = ((gci -Recurse $folder1 -Force | measure Length -s).sum / 1Gb)
$b = ((gci -Recurse $folder2 -Force | measure Length -s).sum / 1Gb)
$c = "{0:N3} GB" -f ($a + $b)
$output = $_.Name + "," + $c + "," + $folder
Write-Host $output
$infos += $output
Clear-Variable a,b,c,output
Clear-Variable folder1, folder2
$infos | ogv