Ensure you’re running Powershell as Administrator and you loaded the StoreFront Powershell Modules:
Get-Module "Citrix.StoreFront.*" -ListAvailable | Import-Module
Export STF Configuration
Export-STFConfiguration -TargetFolder "C:\temp" -ZipFileName "31.01.2019_STF_Backup" -NoEncryption -Confirm:$false
The IIS settings will be not saved. For example, IIS bindings to the default web site or HTTP Redirect entries that were made, will not be imported when you restore the backup ZipFile.

You can also take an IIS Configuration Backup.
Unfortunately, not all settings will be exported from the IIS here either…
Therefore I recommend to make a backup of the server (VM Snapshot or similar) another method is to keep an installation documentation about the manual IIS configuration and to recheck the config after a configrestore.
$a = [datetime]::Today.ToString('dd.MM.yyy')
function IISBackupCreate {cmd /c C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add backup $a}
Citrix Config Restore:
Import-STFConfiguration -ConfigurationZip C:\Temp\
Afterwards you have to propagate the Storefront Configuration.

Restore IIS Config:
To restore IIS Configuration ensure you define the variable “$a” in the script above with the name of the Backupfolder.
You can find those Folders under “C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\backup”

#$a = "20190201T132905"
function IISBackupRestore {cmd /c C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe restore backup $a}
IIS Custom settings are not synchronized with Storefront Propagate function. The restore must be done on every storefront server.