Jere's Techblog

Useful WordPress Plugins

I’m a big WordPress fan!
The community is huge, it has lots of plugins and it is very user friendly.
Compared to a CMS like Typo3, simple end users can manage WordPress very easily and create posts, as well as customize pages.

This post shows some of my favorite addins and explains their function:

WPTouch – Responsive Mobile Theme;easy to manage

Simple Login Screen Customizer –the name says it all

Secret Content – hide content from non logged in visitors

Post Expirator – The Post Expirator plugin allows the user to set expiration dates for both posts and pages.

NextGEN Gallery – The most popular gallery plugin for WordPress and one of the most popular plugins of all time with over 24 million downloads.

Members – Members is a plugin that extends your control over your blog. It’s a user, role, and capability editor plugin that was created to make WordPress a more powerful CMS.

Contact Form 7  & Advanced Contact form 7 DB – A solid contact form plugin and extension that exports the database in formats such as CSV, Excel, etc.

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Visual Studio Code

One of my favorite editors for editing Powershell scripts is Visual Studio Code. Mircosoft’s OpenSource Code Editor, launched in 2016, is a wonderful editor and the biggest advantage is that it works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

In this article I want to show some advantages why I prefer this editor to the classic Powershell_Ise, Atom Editor and Notepad++. I also show useful addons and editor settings.

Okay first of all i’ll show you why

At the beginning I will show you the advantages of the editor:

  • The editor is very fast (no lags) and it starts very fast
  • The editor is with approx. 180MB installation size relatively slim in contrast to Visual Studio
  • The editor supports various programming and scripting languages, which can be installed using extensions.
  • Many Addons/Extensions (Debugger, DebugConsole, ColorEditors, Autocorrection, Sourcecontrol, GIT, TFS Server, Docker, various Azure Tools and Connections)
  • Code can be executed within the editor.
  • Integrated Terminal Console
  • Many configuration options (autosave, color selection, editor behavior, code arrangement and much more).
  • Command Explorer
  • Various color themes for the editor itself (dark / light, much based on Visual Studio)
  • Configuration can be easily done using .json files or GUI
  • Has a very large user community and is strongly pushed by Microsoft.

Distinctive differences to Visual Studio Editor:

  • Visual Studio Code organizes itself according to folder structures (file system) and not like Visual Studio with “Projects”
  • No integrated editor for Windows WPF/Windows Form GUI’s.
  • No Enterprise Debugging (CPU Runtime)

Those are my prefferd Custom Settings:

I have made the following setting in the JSON file (User Settings) to make the scripten more pleasant.

“powershell.integratedConsole.focusConsoleOnExecute”: false,

“powershell.scriptAnalysis.enable”: true,

“powershell.codeFormatting.openBraceOnSameLine”: true

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