Jere's Techblog

Compare ActiveDirectory ACL

Here are some examples and a good description of the ActiveDirectory ACL:

Script example to compare ActiveDirectory OU ACL ( Security Groups )

by J.Kühnis 25.11.2019

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$OU1 = Get-ACl -Path 'AD:\OU=Sales,OU=UserAccounts,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM' |  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | select IdentityReference

$OU2 = Get-ACl -Path 'AD:\OU=Marketing,OU=UserAccounts,DC=FABRIKAM,DC=COM' |  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | select IdentityReference

Compare-Object $OU1 $OU2 -IncludeEqual
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Function Count Ad-GroupMember

#by J.Kühnis 12.11.2019
Function Count-ADGroupMember {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    #Get Data From AD-Group
    $groupdsn = (Get-ADGroup $groupname).DistinguishedName
    $group = [adsi]"LDAP://$groupdsn" 
    $groupmemebrs = $group.psbase.invoke("Members") | ForEach-Object { $_.GetType().InvokeMember("SamAccountName", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) }
    $ADGroupMemberCount = $groupmemebrs.count
    return $ADGroupMemberCount


Count-ADGroupMember -GroupName AnyGroupNameHere
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Join Azure VM into AD and install SCCM Client

Enclosed a script to join the Azure machine into AD and install the SCCM client. This is useful if you want to populate a native Azure VM that was not installed with SCCM. To make the AD-join a service user was assigned in the script, certainly not the most beautiful variant but this can be encrypted by a compiled EXE. This can be done with the following tool:

Of course, network access to the AD and SCCM server must be available.

#by Jeremias Kühnis

### Vars Section ###
$SCCM_Server = "SCCMPrimary.f.q.d.n"
$site_code = "Your Site Code -like S01"
$SCCM_MPServer = "ManagementPoint.f.q.d.n"
$LocalSource_Path = "$env:SystemDrive\temp\"
$SCCM_ClientInstaller = "$LocalSource_Path" + "Client\ccmsetup.exe"
$SCCM_Repo = "\\$SCCM_Server\SMS_***YOURSITECODE***\Client"
$time = ([datetime]::now).tostring("dd_MM_yyyy_HH-mm-ss")
$ScriptFilename = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -leaf
$LogfileName = $LocalSource_Path + 'Azure-SCCMInstaller' + '__' + $time + '.log'
$fqdn = 'someFQDN'
$JoinADUser = $fqdn + '\ServiceAccountjoinAD'
$JoinADUserPw = 'ServiceAccountPW'
$ADOU_NewAzuewDevice = "OU=Germany,DC=contoso,DC=com"

### External Functions ###

function Write-Log { 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
        [string]$Path = 'C:\Logs\PowerShellLog.log', 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
        [ValidateSet("Error", "Warn", "Info")] 
        [string]$Level = "Info", 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
    Begin { 
        # Set VerbosePreference to Continue so that verbose messages are displayed. 
        $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' 
    Process { 
        # If the file already exists and NoClobber was specified, do not write to the log. 
        if ((Test-Path $Path) -AND $NoClobber) { 
            Write-Error "Log file $Path already exists, and you specified NoClobber. Either delete the file or specify a different name." 
        # If attempting to write to a log file in a folder/path that doesn't exist create the file including the path. 
        elseif (!(Test-Path $Path)) { 
            Write-Verbose "Creating $Path." 
            $NewLogFile = New-Item $Path -Force -ItemType File 
        else { 
            # Nothing to see here yet. 
        # Format Date for our Log File 
        $FormattedDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" 
        # Write message to error, warning, or verbose pipeline and specify $LevelText 
        switch ($Level) { 
            'Error' { 
                Write-Error $Message 
                $LevelText = 'ERROR:' 
            'Warn' { 
                Write-Warning $Message 
                $LevelText = 'WARNING:' 
            'Info' { 
                Write-Verbose $Message 
                $LevelText = 'INFO:' 
        # Write log entry to $Path 
        "$FormattedDate $LevelText $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append 
    End { 

### own Functions ###

function Mount-SCCMShare {
    $DriveName = 'SCCMRepo'
    If (!(Get-PSDrive -name $DriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        try {
            New-PSDrive -name $DriveName -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root  $SCCM_Repo -Credential $credential -Scope Script
        catch {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Can not Mount SCCM Share $SCCM_Repo"


Function SCCMClientInstaller {

    ##          SCCM Client Health check and Troubleshooting Script					
    ##          Author: Lokesh Agarwal
    ##          Date: 23-08-2017
    ##	        Input:- SCCM Client path, MP Address, Site Code
    ##	     Edited: Jeremias Kühnis 27.09.2019 -> Added/Modifying some Code and add some Log Warning

    ############################### Main Code ####################################
    $machinename = hostname

    ############################### Check if WMI is working #######################
    if ((Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "WMI is OK"
        $WMI_Status = "Working"
    else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -Message "Try to Repair WMI"
        Stop-Service -Force winmgmt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        cd  C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\
        Remove-item C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\Repository.old -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false
        rename-Item Repository Repository.old -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false
        Start-Service winmgmt 

    ############################# Check if SCCM Client is installed ##################
    If (Get-Service -Name CcmExec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        $Client_Status = "Yes"
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "SCCM Status OK, Client is installed"
        ########### Check if services are running ################################
        $CcmExec_Status = Get-Service -Name CcmExec | % { $_.status }
        $BITS_Status = Get-Service -Name BITS | % { $_.status }
        $wuauserv_Status = Get-Service -Name wuauserv | % { $_.status }
        $Winmgmt_Status = Get-Service -Name Winmgmt | % { $_.status }
        $RRegistry_Status = Get-Service -Name RemoteRegistry | % { $_.status }

        if ($CcmExec_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $CcmExec_Status"
            Get-Service -Name CcmExec | Start-Service

        if ($BITS_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $BITS_Status"
            Get-Service -Name BITS | Start-Service

        if ($wuauserv_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $wuauserv_Status"
            Get-Service -Name wuauserv | Start-Service

        if ($Winmgmt_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $Winmgmt_Status"
            Get-Service -Name Winmgmt | Start-Service

        $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}"
        $SoftwareUpdatesScan = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113}"
        $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108}"

        #################### check if Scan cycles are working ###################
        $machine_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation
        $software_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $SoftwareUpdatesScan
        $softwaredeploy_Status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment

        if ($machine_status -and $software_status -and $softwaredeploy_Status) {
            $machine_Rstatus = "Successful"
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Scan cycles are working $machine_Rstatus"
        else {
            $SMSCli = [wmiclass] "root\ccm:sms_client"
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Scan cycles are not working, try to repair SMSCLI-Client"
            $repair = $SMSCli.RepairClient()

    else {
        ############## Install SCCM Client ###############################
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Missing SCCM Client, try to start installation"
        &$SCCM_ClientInstaller /mp:$SCCM_MPServer /logon SMSSITECODE=$site_code
        Start-Sleep 5
        DO {
            $ProcessesFound = (Get-Process -name ccmsetup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            If (($ProcessesFound) -and ($counter -le "90")) {
                Start-Sleep 10
                Write-Host "Still running: $($ProcessesFound)  $counter"
            Else {
                IF ($counter -gt "90") {
                    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -message "Not OK: Try to kill running Process while InstallationProcess is taking more than 15 Minutes"
                    Get-Process ccmsetup | Stop-Process -Force
                Else {
                    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "OK:Process ended by SCCM installer."
        } Until (!$ProcessesFound)



function New-folder {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$folderpath

    If (!(Test-path $folderpath)) {
        New-Item $folderpath -ItemType Directory

function VerifyPrerequisits {
    #Check Powershell Version
    $psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    IF ($psversion -ge "5") {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "Powershell Version is OK – $psversion"
    Else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Missing PowerShell or installed Version is to low  – $psversion "
        $Errorcouonter = "1"
    #Check .Net FrameWork Version
    $DotNetVersion = (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\' | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Version)
    IF (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\' | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Release | Foreach-Object { $_ -ge 461814 }) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message ".NetVersion ist OK – $DotNetVersion"
    else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Missing .NetFramework or installed Version is to low  – $DotNetVersion "
        $Errorcouonter = "1"

    #Verify SourcePath
    IF (!(Test-Path $SCCM_Repo) ) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Can not find SCCM installer Path: $SCCM_Repo"
        $Errorcouonter = "1"

    ##Last Part
    If ($Errorcouonter -eq "1") {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -Message "Installation is not performed because the checked prerequisites are Wrong/Missing. See further up in the log."
    Else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "Prerequisits are Okay, try to lead trough installation"


Function Remove-InstallerLocation {
    $removepaths = @(
    foreach ($ToDelPath in $removepaths) {
        Remove-Item $ToDelPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

### Main Script ###
$password = $JoinADUserPw | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($JoinADUser, $password)

### Create C:\Temp Folder, if not Exists for logs ###
New-folder -folderpath $LocalSource_Path

### Join AD-Section ###
#Need to Add credentials and start Job for OU path
Try {
    Add-Computer -DomainName $fqdn -Credential $credential -OUPath $ADOU_NewAzuewDevice -Force -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Exception] {
    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Failed @ Ad-join Part...maybe ADAccount already exists."
    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message $Error


### Install SCCM-Client Section ###
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Start-SCCM Repair/ Install Process..."
Copy-Item $SCCM_Repo -Recurse -Destination $LocalSource_Path -Force
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "End Section: 'Start-SCCM Repair/ Install Process...'"
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Finished all Jobs, if there are any Problems Check if Computer is joined in AD and Check the Execution Policy. Also Check de Install status of SCCM Client."
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Try to clean Up local install Files"
Start-Sleep 3
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Successfully finish..."

#reboot while AD-Join
shutdown -r -f -t 60
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Query big ADObject / Containers

The Powershell AD-Modules have certain restrictions when it comes to querying large objects, this can be bypassed by ADSI Query.

Here an example how to read them and how to iterate on users of a group:

#by J.Kühnis 13.03.2019
#example ADSI Query Powershell
$BigGroup = "someADGroupName"
$ADGroup1 = "someADGroup1"
$ADGroup2 = "someADGroup2"

$groupname = $BigGroup
$groupdsn = (Get-ADGroup $groupname).DistinguishedName
$group =[adsi]”LDAP://$groupdsn” 
$groupmemebrs = $group.psbase.invoke("Members") | % {$_.GetType().InvokeMember("SamAccountName",'GetProperty',$null,$_,$null)}

$groupmemebrs | foreach {
    $usradgroups = GET-ADUser -Identity $_ –Properties MemberOf | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf | Get-ADGroup -Properties name | Select-Object name
    IF ($ -notContains $ADGroup1 -and $ -notContains $ADGroup2) {

        #User is not a Member of ADGroup1 & ADGroup2

          #User is MemberOf ADGroup1 & ADGroup2

Here also an example using a Class to just specify the object the way you like:

#by J.Kühnis 09.10.2019
#Set variables
$ADGROUP = "someAdGrp"

# Load AD-Module
IF (!(Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory)) {
    Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
    IF (!(Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory)) {
    start-sleep 10
    Write-Warning "No AD-Module Found"

$groupname = $ADGROUP
$groupdsn = (Get-ADGroup $groupname).DistinguishedName
$group =[adsi]”LDAP://$groupdsn” 
$groupmemebrs = $group.psbase.invoke("Members") | % {$_.GetType().InvokeMember("SamAccountName",'GetProperty',$null,$_,$null)}

class User{

$Userlist = @()
$groupmemebrs | ForEach-Object {
    $usrATTR = GET-ADUser -Identity $_ –Properties Name,SamAccountName,UserPrincipalName,mail,extensionAttribute9, extensionAttribute7
    $User = [User]::new()
    $User.Name = $usrATTR.Name
    $User.SamAccountName = $usrATTR.SamAccountName
    $User.UserPrincipalName = $usrATTR.UserPrincipalName
    $User.Mail = $usrATTR.Mail
    $User.extensionAttribute1 = $usrATTR.extensionAttribute1
    $User.extensionAttribute2 = $usrATTR.extensionAttribute2

    $Userlist += $User
$Userlist | format-table
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Compare AD-GroupMember


JKCompare-ADGroupMemeber -Group1 GROUPNAME1 -Group2 GROUPNAME2

Optional Parameter:

-IncludeEqual yes

#13.11.2018 Jeremias Kühnis

Function JKCompare-ADGroupMemeber{

    [ValidateSet("yes", "no")]

IF($IncludeEqual -eq "Yes"){
    diff (Get-ADGroupMember $Group1) (Get-ADGroupMember $Group2) -Property 'SamAccountName' -IncludeEqual
    diff (Get-ADGroupMember $Group1) (Get-ADGroupMember $Group2) -Property 'SamAccountName'

Write-Host "#############################################" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "== This user is in both groups (If option is enabled)."
Write-Host "=> This user is in the second group ($group2)."
Write-Host "<= This user is in the first group ($group1)."
Write-Host "#############################################" -ForegroundColor Cyan
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Remove AD-Group on certain Users

This script is very handy in dayli business, when you need to remove multiple users from an AD-Group.

In the userlist the users can be specified with the samAccountName.

Of course there is the possibility to fill “$UserList” variable with a list e.g. a CSV-File. In this case you can Use the function “Import-Csv” which is an out of the Box Powershell feature.

#13.11.2018 by Jeremias Kühnis
#Remove AD-Groupmemership

$ADGroup = "someAdGroupName"

$Userlist = @(

$Userlist | % {Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup -Members $_ -Confirm:$false}
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