Jere's Techblog

Install Consul Hashicorp trough Powershell

The Consul Hashicorp DNS service is a frequently used and modern service. Enclosed you will find a Powershell Script to install the Consul-Client as a Windows-Service. The script also allows you to run a version update.

When using the script you have to adjust the variables in line 1-13. For the update only the version number has to be adjusted, which is based on

The script creates and updates the following config Files:

If you don’t need this, you can comment it out of the script yourself.

#Install/Update Consul Service
#21.09.2020   by J.Kühnis

#Consul Version  based on
$CONSUL_DIR = "$env:SystemDrive\Consul"
$consulfqdn = ""
$domainfqdn = ""

# Load DatacenterLoc from Webrequest
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$DatacenterLoc = (Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing).Content

#Windows Service params
$params = @{
  Name = "Consul"
  BinaryPathName = "$CONSUL_DIR\Consul.exe agent -config-dir=$CONSUL_DIR\config -data-dir=$CONSUL_DIR\data"
  DisplayName = "Consul"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "Consul Hashicorp DNS Service."
#stop consul service, if exists
IF(get-service -Name $params.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
    Stop-Service -Name $params.Name -Force
    do {
        Start-sleep 1
    until((Get-Service -Name $ -eq 'Stopped')
    start-sleep 1

#Create Consul Folder
IF(!(Test-Path $CONSUL_DIR)){
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $CONSUL_DIR
Set-Location "$CONSUL_DIR"
#Create Subdir
$arraySubDir = @(

$arraySubDir | %{
    IF(!(Test-Path "$CONSUL_DIR\$_")){
        New-Item -ItemType Directory "$CONSUL_DIR\$_"

<# Set Download Proxy, if needed
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$WebProxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy("http://your.proxy.url",$false)
$WebProxy.Credentials = $Credentials
$WebClient.Proxy = $WebProxy
$WebClient.DownloadFile( "${CONSUL_URL}/${CONSUL_VERSION}/consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig","$CONSUL_DIR\consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig")
get-content "${CONSUL_DIR}/*SHA256SUMS"| select-string  (get-filehash -algorithm SHA256 "${CONSUL_DIR}/consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}").hash.toLower()

#Unzip Download
Expand-Archive "${CONSUL_DIR}/consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}" "$CONSUL_DIR" -Force

#Add env var
$env:path += ";${CONSUL_DIR}"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine") + ";${CONSUL_DIR}", "Machine")

#Create/Update ConfigFiles

### Create HCL Config File; consul.hcl ###
$hcl_config = "${CONSUL_DIR}\config\consul.hcl"
IF(Test-Path $hcl_config){
    Remove-Item $hcl_config -Force
New-Item $hcl_config

$hcl_filecontent = @(
'datacenter = ' + '"' + $DatacenterLoc + '"'
'retry_join = ["' + $consulfqdn + '"]'
    'domain = "' + $domainfqdn + '"'
'acl = {enabled = true, default_policy = "deny", enable_token_persistence = true }'
Add-Content -Path $hcl_config $hcl_filecontent

### Create node_exporter.json config file ###
$json_config = "${CONSUL_DIR}\config\node_exporter.json"
IF(Test-Path $json_config){
    Remove-Item $json_config -Force
New-Item $json_config

$body = [pscustomobject]@{
    services= @([ordered]@{
        name = "node-exporter"
        tags = @("monitor")
        port = 9100
Set-Content $json_config ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3)

#register Consul as a WindowsService
IF(!(get-service -Name $params.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
    New-Service @params
Start-Service -Name $params.Name
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Jobs on PowerShell

Certain processes can take a long time. As an example, if you want to search a specific event log trough several servers.
To counteract this, Powershell has introduced “Jobs, Workflows and Foreach-Parallel”. It should be well estimated what you can use where best. Personally, I like to rely on jobs when it comes to remote querying / remote invocation.

There is a sensational blogpost by Harry Eagles bout the topic:

I would like to show a small example of how I use Jobs to read out Eventlogs about several machines. In the example, it is only checked if the corresponding log exists or was written in the last 45 minutes. For 128 servers I needed 30 minutes with this parallel Task. I killed the sequential script after 6 hours …

#by J.Kühnis
$Servers = @(

Remove-Job *
$outputArray = @()

Foreach ($Server in $Servers){

Start-Job -Name $Server -ArgumentList $Server{
    IF(Get-EventLog -LogName System -InstanceId '12306' -After (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-45) -ComputerName $servername -ErrorAction Ignore){
    Write-Output"$servername  true"
    Write-Output "$servername  false"


While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
    write-host "Jobs Running"  (Get-Job).count
    Start-Sleep 2
write-host "Jobs completed, getting output"

Get-Job | ForEach-Object {
    $a = Receive-Job $_.Id
    $outputArray += $a

#Use the variable $outputArray to get or export the Outputdata
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Install Eclipse Plugins from command line

tested with:

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers – Version: Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers – Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)


There is a nice detailed blog article which describes how to install the Eclipse plugins.
The description is for Linux, it works exactly the same on Windows.
The syntax is shown with an example and it is explained how to get to the repository information.

Here is an example for the Windows Commandline:

C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU

However, there are some problems with automation:

  • The plugins cannot be installed in parallel mode, at least this didn’t work for me.
  • Prerequisits will not be automaticly installed.

The automated solution:

First you have to manually try out the commands to get the order and dependencies/prerequsits right.

The loop in the script will sequentially process the installations…if a plugin installation takes more than 5min the Eclipse process will stop and the next plugin will be installed.

Don’t forget ro Run Powershell in elevated mode.

#09.04.2019 by J.Kühnis installation Eclipse Plugins

#Install Eclipse Addons from Web-repository
[array]$InstallArguments = @(
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU org.eclipse.libra.facet'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
'&"C:\Program Files\eclipse\jee-latest-released\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU'
Foreach($argument in $InstallArguments){
    #Install Addins
    Write-Host $argument -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $argument | Invoke-Expression
    Start-Sleep 5

    #Check if Service is Running and wait | Exit after 300Seconds
    [int]$counter = 0
        Do {  
            $ProcessesFound = get-process -Name *eclipse*
            If (($ProcessesFound) -and ($counter -le "30")) {
                Start-Sleep 10
                Write-Host "Still running: $($ProcessesFound)  $counter"
                IF ($counter -gt "30"){
                    Write-Host "Try to kill running Process while Process is taking more than 5 Minutes" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -BackgroundColor Black
                    Write-Host "Process ended by installer" -ForegroundColor Green
                Get-Process *eclipse* | Stop-Process -Force
        } Until (!$ProcessesFound)

        Clear-Variable -Name counter -Scope Global
        Start-Sleep 2
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Reset User Profile FatClients

Just run the Script and have some fun while deleting local/remote Userprofiles 🙂

The parameters Username and ComputerName are mandatory.

The parameter -wildcard:$true allows to delete multiple profiles. For example all users with the profile name “John*“.

#by J.Kühnis 
#Code Elements of
#Run with elevated rights
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent( ) )
if ( -not ($currentPrincipal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ) ) )
    Write-Host "This script must be executed in admin mode." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Error "This script must be executed in admin mode." -ErrorAction Stop

Function Reset-LocalUserProfile {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Username,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$ComputerName,
        [switch]$IncludeSpecialUsers = $False,
        [switch]$Force = $True,

    IF ($Username -match '\*'){
            Write-Warning "wildcard enabled, deletion for multiple users enabled"

            Write-Warning "Username must be unique without wildcard '*'. If you like to use wildcard, please use '-Widlcard `$true' parameter. "

    $profileFounds = 0

    #Region Functions

    Function Test-PSRemoting {
            [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Enter a computername", ValueFromPipeline)]
            [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
        Begin {
            Write-Host -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"  
        } #begin
        Process {
            Write-Host -Message "Testing $computername"
            Try {
                $r = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $Computername -Credential $Credential -Authentication Default -ErrorAction Stop
            Catch {
                Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
        } #Process
        End {
            Write-Host -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        } #end
    } #close function

    #Check IF WinRM is OK

    IF (!(Test-PSRemoting -Computername $ComputerName)) {    
        Write-Host -Message "PS Remoting Error, can't reach Connect with WinRM"

    Try {
        $profiles = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile -Computer $ComputerName -Filter "Special = '$IncludeSpecialUsers'" -EnableAllPrivileges
    Catch {            
        Write-Warning "Failed to retreive user profiles on $ComputerName"

    ForEach ($profile in $profiles) {
        try {
            $sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($profile.SID)               
            $account = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])    
            $accountName = $account.value.split("\")[1]
            $profilePath = $profile.LocalPath
            $loaded = $profile.Loaded
            $special = $profile.Special
        catch {
        If ($accountName.ToLower() -Eq $UserName.ToLower() -Or ($UserName.Contains("*") -And $accountName.ToLower() -Like $UserName.ToLower())) {
            #If ($ExcludeUserName -ne [string]::Empty -And -Not $ExcludeUserName.Contains("*") -And ($accountName.ToLower() -eq $ExcludeUserName.ToLower())) {Continue}
            #If ($ExcludeUserName -ne [string]::Empty -And $ExcludeUserName.Contains("*") -And ($accountName.ToLower() -Like $ExcludeUserName.ToLower())) {Continue}

            $profileFounds ++

            If ($profileFounds -gt 1) {Write-Host "`n"}
            Write-Host "Start deleting profile ""$account"" on computer ""$ComputerName"" ..." -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Account SID: $sid"
            Write-Host "Special system service user: $special"
            Write-Host "Profile Path: $profilePath"
            Write-Host "Loaded : $loaded"
            If ($loaded) {
                Write-Warning "Cannot delete profile because is in use"

            If ($Force -Or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($account)) {
                Try {
                    Write-Host "Profile deleted successfully" -ForegroundColor Green        
                Catch {            
                    Write-Host "Error during delete the profile. Maybe the user with you executed the script has no rights or the script was not started with admin rights." -ForegroundColor Red

    If ($profileFounds -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning "No profiles found on $ComputerName with Name $UserName"
Write-Host '########## START SCRIPT ##########' -ForegroundColor yellow

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