Jere's Techblog


We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge. - John Naisbitt


This area is all about private cloud, SaaS,IaaS,PaaS but also about solutions like Nextcloud,OwnCloud,Seacloud,OneDrive


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Network professional? I'm sure I'm not, but I'm sure you'll find some hints about useful tools. Or maybe you just want to use a SSH service as proxy, tunnel.

Scripting & Programming

A large part of this blog area is about Powershell, but in the future there will be more content like SQL,C#,VBS,.Net etc. as well.


HTML5, CMS, CSS and respsonsive are all unfamiliar terms? Then this is the right place for you, I am not a webprofessional, but I can give some start tips to the newbies.


With over 80% market share, Windows is the world's leading operating system. Tips & tricks, tutorials, troubleshooting and much more can be found in this section.


It's all about Terminal Services, NetScaler, VDI, XenApp, XenDesktop, StoreFront, CitrixDirector and Citrix Delivery Controller.


Hypervisors, where our virtual machines are hosted. Installation Guides, Comparisons, Configurations and more..


XenApp:7.x: The users configuration has been manually modified and cannot be changed by studio

Symptoms or Error

We are unable to edit the ‘Users’ tab in ‘Edit Delivery Group’ wizard 

Error : The users configuration has been manually modified and cannot be changed by studio

Solution: There are two causes for this problem, but the official Citrix website describes only one of them and offers only one solution for it.

Problem Cause 1 Solution by Citrix

You can just Use the Scriptblock below to Check if there are Differences between the ” *DesktopGroupName* _Direct” (Storefront) and the “*DesktopGroupName*_AG” (Netscaler).

You only have to adjust the first two variables (lines 3 & 4), it’s easier than the description of Citrix article. If there are differences, you can clean them up, unless these differences are deliberately set that way. Then you have to configure this via Powershell and you can’t customize it in the Studio console.

#by J.Kühnis 30.10.2019
Add-PSSnapin *
$DeliveryGroup = "DeliveryGroupName"
$BrokerServer = "BrokerName.f.q.d.n"
Compare-Object (Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -AdminAddress $BrokerServer -DesktopGroupName $DeliveryGroup)[0].ExcludedUsers -DifferenceObject (Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -AdminAddress $BrokerServer -DesktopGroupName $DeliveryGroup)[1].ExcludedUsers

Problem Cause 2

The second reason for this Issue has no solution except to configure the access only with Powershell, but it’s still nice to know why the Probleme is caused.

I was able to test the problem in two Citrix environments (version 1811 aka Citrix 7.20) and reported it to Citrix. Let’s see if anything is done about it, as already said, the workaround is Powershell.

Cause: The problem occurs when the ExcludeFilterEnabled attribute is set (the value equals ‘True’). The attribute can only be set trough Powershell and the error described above (according to the print screen) is displayed.

The filter is automatically set to True if you have a user or group in the ‘ExcludedUsers’ property. So the rule is, if you make exclude Filter, you control the BrokerAccessPolicy in Powershell.
By the way, you can get the Policy in Powershell:

Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -DesktopGroupName DG11

Nextcloud Client multiple Proxy Settings

First of all I would like to explain that the tinkering which was made is possibly not supported. I couldn’t find an article about it in the NextCloud documentation.

I recently had the problem that my Nextcloud accounts in the corporate network had no connection to the backend.

The reason for this is of course the proxy, depending on which storage/webhoster the Nextcloud server was hosted at, it was blocked by the default system proxy of the client running NextCloudClient. With another proxy entry I could unlock other backends but the others were blocked again…. It was a neverending blocking story…. in principle I just had to put 2 proxy systems in the Nextcloud client configuration.

This is very easy in principle. You configure the proxy e.g. a manual HTTPS proxy and copy the content of %appdata%\Nextcloud\nextcloud.cfg into the clipboard.

Then close the file and set another proxy setting in the NextCloud Client GUI, e.g. “Use System Proxy”.
Then you have to open the file %appdata%\Nextcloud\nextcloud.cfg again and add the entry.

If now something is changed in the proxy/settings, then the made Config setting flies away. The same happens when the NextCloud client is restarted. But you could solve this by doing a startup script which replaces the config file after starting the NextCloudClient. Or even better just edit those Proxyentries, so the Userconfiguration will not be affected.


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Join Azure VM into AD and install SCCM Client

Enclosed a script to join the Azure machine into AD and install the SCCM client. This is useful if you want to populate a native Azure VM that was not installed with SCCM. To make the AD-join a service user was assigned in the script, certainly not the most beautiful variant but this can be encrypted by a compiled EXE. This can be done with the following tool:

Of course, network access to the AD and SCCM server must be available.

#by Jeremias Kühnis

### Vars Section ###
$SCCM_Server = "SCCMPrimary.f.q.d.n"
$site_code = "Your Site Code -like S01"
$SCCM_MPServer = "ManagementPoint.f.q.d.n"
$LocalSource_Path = "$env:SystemDrive\temp\"
$SCCM_ClientInstaller = "$LocalSource_Path" + "Client\ccmsetup.exe"
$SCCM_Repo = "\\$SCCM_Server\SMS_***YOURSITECODE***\Client"
$time = ([datetime]::now).tostring("dd_MM_yyyy_HH-mm-ss")
$ScriptFilename = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -leaf
$LogfileName = $LocalSource_Path + 'Azure-SCCMInstaller' + '__' + $time + '.log'
$fqdn = 'someFQDN'
$JoinADUser = $fqdn + '\ServiceAccountjoinAD'
$JoinADUserPw = 'ServiceAccountPW'
$ADOU_NewAzuewDevice = "OU=Germany,DC=contoso,DC=com"

### External Functions ###

function Write-Log { 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
        [string]$Path = 'C:\Logs\PowerShellLog.log', 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
        [ValidateSet("Error", "Warn", "Info")] 
        [string]$Level = "Info", 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] 
    Begin { 
        # Set VerbosePreference to Continue so that verbose messages are displayed. 
        $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' 
    Process { 
        # If the file already exists and NoClobber was specified, do not write to the log. 
        if ((Test-Path $Path) -AND $NoClobber) { 
            Write-Error "Log file $Path already exists, and you specified NoClobber. Either delete the file or specify a different name." 
        # If attempting to write to a log file in a folder/path that doesn't exist create the file including the path. 
        elseif (!(Test-Path $Path)) { 
            Write-Verbose "Creating $Path." 
            $NewLogFile = New-Item $Path -Force -ItemType File 
        else { 
            # Nothing to see here yet. 
        # Format Date for our Log File 
        $FormattedDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" 
        # Write message to error, warning, or verbose pipeline and specify $LevelText 
        switch ($Level) { 
            'Error' { 
                Write-Error $Message 
                $LevelText = 'ERROR:' 
            'Warn' { 
                Write-Warning $Message 
                $LevelText = 'WARNING:' 
            'Info' { 
                Write-Verbose $Message 
                $LevelText = 'INFO:' 
        # Write log entry to $Path 
        "$FormattedDate $LevelText $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append 
    End { 

### own Functions ###

function Mount-SCCMShare {
    $DriveName = 'SCCMRepo'
    If (!(Get-PSDrive -name $DriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        try {
            New-PSDrive -name $DriveName -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root  $SCCM_Repo -Credential $credential -Scope Script
        catch {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Can not Mount SCCM Share $SCCM_Repo"


Function SCCMClientInstaller {

    ##          SCCM Client Health check and Troubleshooting Script					
    ##          Author: Lokesh Agarwal
    ##          Date: 23-08-2017
    ##	        Input:- SCCM Client path, MP Address, Site Code
    ##	     Edited: Jeremias Kühnis 27.09.2019 -> Added/Modifying some Code and add some Log Warning

    ############################### Main Code ####################################
    $machinename = hostname

    ############################### Check if WMI is working #######################
    if ((Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "WMI is OK"
        $WMI_Status = "Working"
    else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -Message "Try to Repair WMI"
        Stop-Service -Force winmgmt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        cd  C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\
        Remove-item C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\Repository.old -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false
        rename-Item Repository Repository.old -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false
        Start-Service winmgmt 

    ############################# Check if SCCM Client is installed ##################
    If (Get-Service -Name CcmExec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        $Client_Status = "Yes"
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "SCCM Status OK, Client is installed"
        ########### Check if services are running ################################
        $CcmExec_Status = Get-Service -Name CcmExec | % { $_.status }
        $BITS_Status = Get-Service -Name BITS | % { $_.status }
        $wuauserv_Status = Get-Service -Name wuauserv | % { $_.status }
        $Winmgmt_Status = Get-Service -Name Winmgmt | % { $_.status }
        $RRegistry_Status = Get-Service -Name RemoteRegistry | % { $_.status }

        if ($CcmExec_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $CcmExec_Status"
            Get-Service -Name CcmExec | Start-Service

        if ($BITS_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $BITS_Status"
            Get-Service -Name BITS | Start-Service

        if ($wuauserv_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $wuauserv_Status"
            Get-Service -Name wuauserv | Start-Service

        if ($Winmgmt_Status -eq "Stopped") {
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Try to start Service $Winmgmt_Status"
            Get-Service -Name Winmgmt | Start-Service

        $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}"
        $SoftwareUpdatesScan = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113}"
        $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108}"

        #################### check if Scan cycles are working ###################
        $machine_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $MachinePolicyRetrievalEvaluation
        $software_status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $SoftwareUpdatesScan
        $softwaredeploy_Status = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class sms_client -Name TriggerSchedule $SoftwareUpdatesDeployment

        if ($machine_status -and $software_status -and $softwaredeploy_Status) {
            $machine_Rstatus = "Successful"
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Scan cycles are working $machine_Rstatus"
        else {
            $SMSCli = [wmiclass] "root\ccm:sms_client"
            Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -message "Scan cycles are not working, try to repair SMSCLI-Client"
            $repair = $SMSCli.RepairClient()

    else {
        ############## Install SCCM Client ###############################
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Missing SCCM Client, try to start installation"
        &$SCCM_ClientInstaller /mp:$SCCM_MPServer /logon SMSSITECODE=$site_code
        Start-Sleep 5
        DO {
            $ProcessesFound = (Get-Process -name ccmsetup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            If (($ProcessesFound) -and ($counter -le "90")) {
                Start-Sleep 10
                Write-Host "Still running: $($ProcessesFound)  $counter"
            Else {
                IF ($counter -gt "90") {
                    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -message "Not OK: Try to kill running Process while InstallationProcess is taking more than 15 Minutes"
                    Get-Process ccmsetup | Stop-Process -Force
                Else {
                    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "OK:Process ended by SCCM installer."
        } Until (!$ProcessesFound)



function New-folder {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$folderpath

    If (!(Test-path $folderpath)) {
        New-Item $folderpath -ItemType Directory

function VerifyPrerequisits {
    #Check Powershell Version
    $psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    IF ($psversion -ge "5") {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "Powershell Version is OK – $psversion"
    Else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Missing PowerShell or installed Version is to low  – $psversion "
        $Errorcouonter = "1"
    #Check .Net FrameWork Version
    $DotNetVersion = (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\' | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Version)
    IF (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\' | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Release | Foreach-Object { $_ -ge 461814 }) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message ".NetVersion ist OK – $DotNetVersion"
    else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Missing .NetFramework or installed Version is to low  – $DotNetVersion "
        $Errorcouonter = "1"

    #Verify SourcePath
    IF (!(Test-Path $SCCM_Repo) ) {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Can not find SCCM installer Path: $SCCM_Repo"
        $Errorcouonter = "1"

    ##Last Part
    If ($Errorcouonter -eq "1") {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Warn -Message "Installation is not performed because the checked prerequisites are Wrong/Missing. See further up in the log."
    Else {
        Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -Message "Prerequisits are Okay, try to lead trough installation"


Function Remove-InstallerLocation {
    $removepaths = @(
    foreach ($ToDelPath in $removepaths) {
        Remove-Item $ToDelPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

### Main Script ###
$password = $JoinADUserPw | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($JoinADUser, $password)

### Create C:\Temp Folder, if not Exists for logs ###
New-folder -folderpath $LocalSource_Path

### Join AD-Section ###
#Need to Add credentials and start Job for OU path
Try {
    Add-Computer -DomainName $fqdn -Credential $credential -OUPath $ADOU_NewAzuewDevice -Force -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Exception] {
    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message "Failed @ Ad-join Part...maybe ADAccount already exists."
    Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Error -Message $Error


### Install SCCM-Client Section ###
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Start-SCCM Repair/ Install Process..."
Copy-Item $SCCM_Repo -Recurse -Destination $LocalSource_Path -Force
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "End Section: 'Start-SCCM Repair/ Install Process...'"
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Finished all Jobs, if there are any Problems Check if Computer is joined in AD and Check the Execution Policy. Also Check de Install status of SCCM Client."
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Try to clean Up local install Files"
Start-Sleep 3
Write-Log -Path $LogfileName -Level Info -message "Successfully finish..."

#reboot while AD-Join
shutdown -r -f -t 60

Verify Citrx HostedMachineID with VmWare Hypervisor

Sometimes the HostedMachineID of Citrix does not match that of VmWare. This is often the case when cloning or moving machines. In Citrix Studio you will see the Powerstate of this machines as unknow and you can’t do any VM actions like reboot in the console.

With this script snippet it can be checked. To do this the variable “Broker” must be adjusted in the Script and the PowerCli and CitrixModule (BrokerSnapIn) must be loaded. Furthermore, the connection to the vCenter must be initiated via “Connect-VIServer vCName“.

#25.09.2019by J.Kühnis - Verfiy HostedMachineID with VmWare ESXi Hypervisoer

$Broker = "Enter your BrokerName"
$Brokermachines = Get-BrokerMachine -AdminAddress $Broker | Select MachineName,DNSName,HostedMachineID

Foreach ($Machine in $Brokermachines){
    IF(get-vm $Machine.DnsName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
        IF($Machine.HostedMachineID -eq (Get-View -id (get-vm $machine.DNSName).id).config.uuid){
            Write-Host $Machine.DnsName "HostedMachineID is matching" $Machine.HostedMachineId -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-host $Machine.DnsName "Mismatch ID: VmWare UUID =" (Get-View -id (get-vm $machine.DNSName).id).config.uuid "; Citrix HostedMachineID =" $Machine.HostedMachineID -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-host $Machine.DnsName "MachineName not Found on ESXi" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Now that the machines have been read out, the connections can be fixed.

vCenter Cert thumbprint update:

# Open an admin POSH console, load the Citrix Modules (asnp citrix*) and cd to XDHyp:/Connections and run ls. Check the SSLThumbprints entry.
asnp citrix*
cd XDHyp:/Connections
Set-Item -LiteralPath "XDHyp:\Connections\vCenters Name" -sslthumbprint "123456789ABCD123456789ABCDE123456789ABCD" -hypervisorAddress https://vcenter-name/sdk

The letters in SSL-Thumbprint must be uppercase.

In this blog the problem is also discussed in detail:

Get InUse Publishings in ApplicationGroup

Here is a code snippet to read the active publishings attached to a deliverygroup. These are only the publishings which are in an application group.

#by JKU 04.09.2019
Add-PSSnapin *

$exporttime = get-date -Format ("")
$exportpath = "C:\temp\inUsePublishings_" + $exporttime + ".csv"
$ArryinUsePublishings = @()
$AGUids = (Get-BrokerApplicationGroup * | ?{($_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUids).count -ge 1}).uid

Foreach($CTXAPP in (Get-BrokerApplication * -MaxRecordCount 1000000)){
    IF(($CTXAPP.AssociatedApplicationGroupUids | % {$AGUids -contains $_}) -contains $true){
    $ArryinUsePublishings += $CTXAPP
$ArryinUsePublishings | export-csv $exportpath
Write-host "File Exported to $exportpath"


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Get reserved Memory of ESXi Host

With the command Get-VMHost you can read values ​​such as the current memory consumption or the total number memory of a host. But I didn’t find a way to read out the value of the allocated memory of the subobjects (the VMs).

Here is an example of how this can be done. The script outputs a list of all hosts. In the attribute “AllocatedVMMemoryGB” you can see how much memory has been over-provisioned or it shows how much memory you could still use.

#by J.Kühnis 20.08.2019

Class VMHost{

$VmHostArray =@()

Foreach($server in Get-VMHost){
    $a = (($server | get-vm).MemoryGB | Measure-Object -sum).sum
    $server = Get-vmHost -name $
    $a = ("{0:N0}" -f $server.MemoryTotalGB) - ("{0:N0}" -f $a);

    $vmhost = New-Object VMHost -Property @{Name=$;ConnectionState=$server.ConnectionState;Powerstate=$server.ConnectionState;NumCpu=$server.NumCpu;MemoryUsageGB=$server.MemoryUsageGB;AllocatedVMMemoryGB=$a;MemoryTotalGB=$server.MemoryTotalGB;ParentCluster=$server.parent;ID=$server.Id;ProcessorType=$server.ProcessorType}
    $VmHostArray += $vmhost

    Clear-Variable -Name a,vmhost

$VmHostArray | Format-Table


Scriptblock to check PVS Connection

On the fly, I found no way to check which PVS servers & service are online. This is especially important if I want to issue PVS commands from Remote / Orchestrated. Enclosed I have made a small script block to check this. It is certainly not the best way, but it works. One possibility would be to retrieve the status of the PVS-services, but it is unclear whether one can actually connect to the servers trough PVS commands.

#by JKU 09.08.2019

$PVSConnectionServers = @("PVS-Server01", "PVS-Server02")

$k = 0
Foreach($PVS_Server in $PVSConnectionServers){
    Set-PvsConnection $PVS_Server
    if($Error -match $PVS_Server){
        #Check Next Server
        IF($k -eq $PVSConnectionServers.Count){
            Write-Warning "ALL PVS Servers are not reachable, stop script! $PVSConnectionServers"

Write-Host "Connecting to $PVS_Server"

Hyper-V Create Machine

I’d like to share a mini Script to create VirtualMachines with Hyper-V and Powershell. It is certainly not enterprise diveable. But it’s enough to create a VM for testing.

#by JKU 02.08.2019

#VM Base Information
$VMName = "TestVM2"
$DataPath = "C:\temp"
$DataVMPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName
$DiskDataPath = $DataPath + "\" + $VMName + "\" + $VMName + ".vhdx"
$Memory = 2GB
$Disk = 12GB
$CPUCores = 4
$VMGeneration = 2   #Options are "1","2"   -> If you don't have any idea, please let this at Value 2

$MountIso = "true"
$StartVMaftreCreation = "true"
$IsoPath = "C:\Cloud_JK\NextCloud\\OS\win10\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_64BIT_German_MLF_X20-25597.ISO"

IF(Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
    Write-Warning "$VMName : Machine already exists! Please verify your Values."
IF(Test-Path $DataVMPath){
    Write-Warning "$DataVMPath : Folder already exists! Please verify your Values."

Write-Host "Start to create VM $VMName" -foregroudcolor yellow
New-VM -Name $VMName -path $DataPath -MemoryStartupBytes $Memory -NewVHDSizeBytes $Disk -NewVHDPath $DiskDataPath -Generation $VMGeneration

$Vm = (Get-VM -Name $VMName)
Set-VM -VM $Vm -ProcessorCount $CPUCores

IF($MountIso -eq "true"){
    $DVD = Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName ($Vm).Name -Path $ISOPath -Passthru
    Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -FirstBootDevice $DVD
IF($StartVMaftreCreation -eq "true"){
    Start-VM -Name $VMName

Write-Host "Script End"

Below are two links to similar topics.

To create a virtual machine from a specific template (Hyper V)